01 August 2011

A Turkish Find

When I left NYC for Kalkan and beyond, I was faced with the challenge of downsizing my life to fit into five, count 'em, five suitcases (yes, there are six there, one belonged to my mister):
Sorry for the poor picture quality, but it was about 4AM and we had to get all of this to the airport...by 5AM.
After eleven years of living in New York, I had accumulated a lot of stuff.  A lot of stuff which, unfortunately, had to go.  I was able to bring some things to my mom's in New Jersey (you know, important stuff - art projects, kitchen equipment, shoes), but a lot of it, I just had to say goodbye to.  One of the little things I was sorry to see go was a beautifully decorated blue and white round trivet that a friend gave to me as a gift years ago.  I will admit, when I first got it, I didn't know it was a trivet, let alone what a trivet was.  But it was lovely and unique and it sat on a table looking lovely and unique.  It was only after I started baking that I realized I could set hot-out-of-the-oven dishes on it - and then I loved it even more.  But, it had to go - it was a bit too heavy and impractical to waste any of my 115 kilogram (that's roughly 250 pounds, Americans) luggage allowance on.

So you can imagine my profound delight when, walking around Kalkan's Old Town one afternoon, I stumbled upon these:

Rows upon rows, boxes upon boxes, piles upon piles of trivets.  

I think I even spotted an exact replica of the trivet I was forced to leave behind! 

And they are oh-so-reasonably-priced.  The only thing that stopped me from scooping up a bundle was my 20 kilogram luggage allowance.


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