31 August 2011

A Turkish Find

Remember the goats?  OK, so there has been some discussion as to whether they are goats or actually sheep, but either way, I shot the video more for the sound of the bells than anything else.  It was a beautiful sound to wake up to.  However, it seems that those goats (or sheep) are only around Kalkan in the off-season, because I haven't seen or heard them at all in the summer.  So no pretty bells to wake up to.  But, at the Sunday Market, I heard the bells again.  Looking around, I couldn't locate any goats, or sheep for that matter, but I did find these:

Goat (or sheep) bells!  A little hard to see, I know - they're hanging next to the hammock.  As soon as I make it back to Kalkan, a set of these are coming home with me.  They'll be packed right next to my trivets.


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